THE ARTIST WHO PAINTED BEHIND THE BARS – Sofia Bassi, an unsettling and authentic artistTHE ARTIST WHO PAINTED BEHIND THE BARS – Sofia Bassi, an unsettling and authentic artist

THE ARTIST WHO PAINTED BEHIND THE BARS – Sofia Bassi, an unsettling and authentic artist

Writer and painter, with five years in prison For Sofia Bassi, art was an elixir, a regenerating vevanda that…

3 years ago
WHEN REVOLUTION CREATIVELY INTERVED – Gerardo Murillo Cornado, alias Dr. Atl: To push for an artistic revolution of dynamic paintingWHEN REVOLUTION CREATIVELY INTERVED – Gerardo Murillo Cornado, alias Dr. Atl: To push for an artistic revolution of dynamic painting

WHEN REVOLUTION CREATIVELY INTERVED – Gerardo Murillo Cornado, alias Dr. Atl: To push for an artistic revolution of dynamic painting

Painting a country with an exotic past and a cosmopolitan perspective Its cuisine is a mix of pre-Hispanic and Spanish…

6 years ago
THE FATHER OF MEXICAN MODERN ART – Alfredo Ramos Martínez: Bringing arts education within the reach of people of all occupations.THE FATHER OF MEXICAN MODERN ART – Alfredo Ramos Martínez: Bringing arts education within the reach of people of all occupations.

THE FATHER OF MEXICAN MODERN ART – Alfredo Ramos Martínez: Bringing arts education within the reach of people of all occupations.

Away from the academy, to paint scenes from ordinary life. For you Mexico City stay, we suggest hotel that features…

6 years ago