Canadian writers

CREATION, RESEARCH AND LITERARY PERFORMANCE – Marie-Claire Blais, a staunch Francophonist activistCREATION, RESEARCH AND LITERARY PERFORMANCE – Marie-Claire Blais, a staunch Francophonist activist

CREATION, RESEARCH AND LITERARY PERFORMANCE – Marie-Claire Blais, a staunch Francophonist activist

The writer who explored violence, revolt and hatred Canadian writer Marie-Claire Blais died at her home in Key West…

3 years ago
WRITING ABOUT CHILDHOOD, LOVE AND LONELINESS – Gilles Archambault: A reader is a being who lacks imagination, because otherwise he would write himself his own fictionsWRITING ABOUT CHILDHOOD, LOVE AND LONELINESS – Gilles Archambault: A reader is a being who lacks imagination, because otherwise he would write himself his own fictions

WRITING ABOUT CHILDHOOD, LOVE AND LONELINESS – Gilles Archambault: A reader is a being who lacks imagination, because otherwise he would write himself his own fictions

Desperate humor, the fascination of passing time, the inevitable tenderness Like other big cities, in Montreal are ethnic influences to…

6 years ago