Balagtas Crater

INNOVATIVE PEOPLE FROM PHILIPPINES – When genius determines a strong social impactINNOVATIVE PEOPLE FROM PHILIPPINES – When genius determines a strong social impact

INNOVATIVE PEOPLE FROM PHILIPPINES – When genius determines a strong social impact

The archipelago where develop creative thinking Have you ever thought about what you would like to do with brushes and…

2 years ago
A WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN BALAGTAS – Francisco Balagtas and his poem Florante at LauraA WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN BALAGTAS – Francisco Balagtas and his poem Florante at Laura

A WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE IN BALAGTAS – Francisco Balagtas and his poem Florante at Laura

The injustices of the Filipino natives, in the Tagalog language Born in April 1788, Francisco Balagtas was a Tagalog-speaking…

2 years ago