HORTIS HESPERIDUM – Poetry, by Giovanni Pontano
HORTIS HESPERIDUM > Un prodigio allora avviene: aulenti selve e fonti, fresche nell’ombra adornano tutti i lidi, e i frutti d’oro penduli dai rami. In un nimbo beato di fragranze, il talamo rifulse tra ghirlande di quei fiori, di quei frutti. Ivi s’assise, più che mai bella Amalfi, e fu regina, mentre intorno cantavano le Grazie, i felici imenei. Fiori …
Read More »ALL THE SCENERY OF THE AMALFI COAST – Gaetano Capone, between oils and watercolors
GAETANO CAPONE 1/2 – He is the son of a painter. Along his career, he was the greatest exponent of an artistic movement, the one where the painters were nicknamed “Painters of Maiori.” He was the founder of an artistic experience that has grown on the Amalfi coast. In his works, the landscape it has become one load concerns and …
Read More »LITTLE VILLAGE OF RIVIERA – Poetry, Alfonso Gatto
PAESETTO DI RIVIERA > La sera amorosa ha raccolto le logge, per farle salpare. Le case tranquille, sognanti la rosa. Vaghezza dei poggi, discendono al mare, in isole, in ville, accanto alle chiese. LITTLE VILLAGE OF RIVIERA > The amorous evening has collected the lodges, to make them sail. The quiet houses, dreamy pink. Vagueness of the hills, descended to …
Read More »AMALFITAN MUSIC – White walls, sunny paintings
CANZONE AMALFITANA > Sono muri bianchi dipinti dal sole, finestre verdi, loggette fiorite, conventi appesi, vicoli scavati che, nell’acqua, si specchiano. Carolina, Carolina, guarda, vedi, vedi. Parla dei venti la rosa amalfitana, e l’aria profuma così tanto che ti stordisce, mentre, nel cielo, il suono di una campana si stende sulla stesura di una canzone. Carolina, Carolina, andiamo, dai, dimmi …
Read More »THE MARITIME CITY – Poetry, by Aleardo Aleardi
LA CITTA MARINARA > Volta ella è a Oriente; in quell’istesso mattino scendeva dai pallidi d’ulivi amalfitani clivi, leggiadra gioventude; l’arme in su la spalla; il carme in su le labbra; l’onda di fronte immensa; e la baldanza in core. E intanto la profonda mente scrivea dei padri una prudente legge, che resse la marina gente; e porgea ai nocchieri, …
Read More »THE AMALFI COAST, ITALY – Rolling hills, among lemon and fruit plantations, which are reflected in the turquoise sea
Pearls set in the rocks, overlooking the turquoise sea – the villages – along paths that allow travelers to immerse themselves in the traditions of culture and gastronomy. All guides on the Amalfi Coast, in all languages of the world, they tell you the wonders of architecture and nature, the ones that you too can see, even with a simple …
Read More »POSITANO, STORIES OF A CITY ON THE SEA – Stefan Andres and his “Dead City”, sniffing a seedling of capers
The Positano terraces are “a well-built nest with strands of silence”. This is the definition given by Stefan Andres, a German writer who lived a long time on the Amalfi coast. In Positano, Liparlati is the so-called “Dead City district”. He, from his home perched looking right out to the sea, has described those places, even for you. “Dead City”, …
Read More »KENT WILLIAMS, AMERICAN PAINTER – When all play a role in the human story of paintings
ARTICULATED AND NEO/EXPRESSIONISTIC FIGURES – The subjective and boldly figures of Kent Williams
KENT WILLIAMS 1/2 – He was born in North Carolina, attended the Pratt Institute in New York and graduated in 1984. He, illustrator and graphic novel artist, has realized his work through various other artistic channels. Boldly articulated figures are often obscured or surrounded by abstracted, neo-expressionistic environments. His work is characterized by strong, gestural forms combined with areas of …
Read More »E-23 OLVERA STREET, FOLLOWING THE SMELL – Los Angeles and Cielito Lindo Restaurant: not many tables, but excellent taquitos
When your geographical horizon extends – for business or pleasure – you have the wonderful opportunity to hear you inside, like the perfectly proportioned man (created by Leonardo da Vinci), correlating the symmetry of human anatomy to the symmetry of the universe. What you see, hear, eat and feel, it’s all inside the Vitruvian approach to life. Welcome in Los …
Read More »CIRCLE POEMS – Poetry, by Lew Welch
CIRCLE POEMS Whenever I have a day off, I write a new poem. Does this mean you shouldn’t work, or that you write best on your day off? For example, this is the poem I wrote today. When he was 20, he understood some of the secrets of life, and undertook to write them down so simply that even an …
Read More »ASK THE DUST – Romance, by John Fante
Inside the novel Ask the dust, thou shalt know Arturo Bandini, the protagonist, the writer dreamer son of penniless immigrants (who lives eating Sun oranges), ironic, snide towards their peers, capricious, always conscious and unconscious sometimes arrogant, try to love but don’t know how to do. Thou shalt know also Camilla Lopez, the young Mexican waitress who made frequent use …
Read More »CALIFORNIAN MUSIC – “Without music life would be a mistake”
It begins where the word ends, for it is the universal language of all. Listening to it, you’re like transported in a special sense of existence, high and rarefied. The music, the sound of your soul, it is also your best friend, the one that never leaves you, because it is in your skin and in your heart so you …
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