The cover of the book is constantly being studied. An edition of this book, depicts a couple who, in the…
From the early 1970s to the present day, the most important literary movement has been postmodernism, and the flowering of…
Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1958, he could not go and collect it, because the return home would…
The epic poem, begins with the invocation to the Muse, where he presented the subject of the poem. The epic…
Ludovico Ariosto was born in Italy, in 1474, Reggio Emilia (duchy of Modena). He was Italian poet, remembered for his…
Advice on historical novels? If historical novels are your passion, there is a period that can inspire many suggestions: the…
The creative lifestyles, are characterized by nonconforming attitudes and behaviors. With the creativity, an idea or a musical composition, literary…
In literature, the yellow kind is divided into sub-genres: crime and espionage, noir, and thriller. Since the holidays are upon…
The Napoleonic period begins with Napoleon Bonaparte's rise to power as a general for the French Revolutionary government. He married…
Americans know that in 1492 Christopher Columbus "sailed the ocean blue," but how many know that the 1571 – the…
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