It was a day in late July of 1890, the small town of Auvers-sur-Oise was dozing, but the noise of the firing of a gun had broken the peace, along with the life of a painter who loved the vineyards and the thatched roofs of the old houses. The fields of wheat that he has painted, they are still in …
Read More »VAN GOGH AND PICASSO: A head-to-head to be missed, bathed in the light and colors of Arles
His shadow is everywhere, even though no one of his works remained in this city. Still, he remained in the Camargue for 15 months, giving to the joy of our eyes the colors of 300 paintings. . Of course, stay in the city of Arles, Vincent Van Gogh had given to creative inspiration, a passion for art bathed in …
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