VALERIYA KUTSAN, RUSSIAN MAKE-UP ARTIST – Face painting isn’t just for kidsVALERIYA KUTSAN, RUSSIAN MAKE-UP ARTIST – Face painting isn’t just for kids

VALERIYA KUTSAN, RUSSIAN MAKE-UP ARTIST – Face painting isn’t just for kids

Note: The intellectual property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors and to those who…

8 years ago
OLEG SHUPLYAK (1967), UKRAINIAN PAINTER – hidden images in paintingsOLEG SHUPLYAK (1967), UKRAINIAN PAINTER – hidden images in paintings

OLEG SHUPLYAK (1967), UKRAINIAN PAINTER – hidden images in paintings

Note: The intellectual property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors and to those who…

8 years ago
OLEG SHUPLYAK – Keep staring at the picturesOLEG SHUPLYAK – Keep staring at the pictures

OLEG SHUPLYAK – Keep staring at the pictures

Oleg Shuplyak 1/4 – was born 23 September 1967 in Ternopil, Ukraine.  In 1991 he graduated the Architecture Department of…

8 years ago
OCTAVIO OCAMPO – The longer one looks at his work, the more is revealedOCTAVIO OCAMPO – The longer one looks at his work, the more is revealed

OCTAVIO OCAMPO – The longer one looks at his work, the more is revealed

Octavio Ocampo 1/4 – was born 28 February 1943 in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico. He was growing up in a family of…

8 years ago
ENJOYING A QUIET FEMALE SMOKE – When objects are a mix of traditional Chinese culture and Western technologyENJOYING A QUIET FEMALE SMOKE – When objects are a mix of traditional Chinese culture and Western technology

ENJOYING A QUIET FEMALE SMOKE – When objects are a mix of traditional Chinese culture and Western technology

LEO BAO JUN 1/4 – He is a professional painter from China. His works have been featured in a variety…

8 years ago
CHROMATIC HARMONY – The post impressionist painting culture of Camillo InnocentiCHROMATIC HARMONY – The post impressionist painting culture of Camillo Innocenti

CHROMATIC HARMONY – The post impressionist painting culture of Camillo Innocenti

CAMILLO INNOCENTI 1/4 – He was born in Rome, as the son of an architect. He studied at Lyceum, then…

8 years ago
PAINTING IN HIGHLY REALISTIC MANNER – The intense illumination painting of Ferdinand Georg WaldmullerPAINTING IN HIGHLY REALISTIC MANNER – The intense illumination painting of Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller

PAINTING IN HIGHLY REALISTIC MANNER – The intense illumination painting of Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller

FERDINAND GEORG WALDMULLER 1/4 – He, born in Vienna was an Austrian writer and painter, one of the most important…

8 years ago