PAESETTO DI RIVIERA > La sera amorosa ha raccolto le logge, per farle salpare. Le case tranquille, sognanti la rosa.…
CANZONE AMALFITANA > Sono muri bianchi dipinti dal sole, finestre verdi, loggette fiorite, conventi appesi, vicoli scavati che, nell'acqua, si…
LA CITTA MARINARA > Volta ella è a Oriente; in quell’istesso mattino scendeva dai pallidi d’ulivi amalfitani clivi, leggiadra gioventude;…
Pearls set in the rocks, overlooking the turquoise sea - the villages - along paths that allow travelers to immerse…
The Positano terraces are "a well-built nest with strands of silence". This is the definition given by Stefan Andres, a…
KENT WILLIAMS 1/2 – He was born in North Carolina, attended the Pratt Institute in New York and graduated in…
When your geographical horizon extends - for business or pleasure - you have the wonderful opportunity to hear you inside,…
CIRCLE POEMS Whenever I have a day off, I write a new poem. Does this mean you shouldn’t work, or…
Inside the novel Ask the dust, thou shalt know Arturo Bandini, the protagonist, the writer dreamer son of penniless immigrants…
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