THE CARPATHIANS – Novel by Janet Frame, the woman who did not want to live the human world under false pretenses

7 years ago

There is no past or future. Using tenses to divide time is like making chalk marks on water This town…

A FEW RULES FOR BEGINNERS – Katherine Mansfield / When everything in life that we really accept undergoes a change

7 years ago

I want to be all that I am capable of becoming Its oldest building is the 1858 Colonial Cottage in…

FRANCES HODKINGS (1869/1947), NEW ZEALAND PAINTER – A singular artist

7 years ago

I feel that if I had known what was before me, I should never have had the courage to begin…

RITA ANGUS (1908/1979), NEW ZEALAND PAINTER – Between Byzantine and cubism art

7 years ago

Paintings clear and sharply-defined Her paintings are clear and sharply-defined. RITA ANGUS was influenced by Byzantine and cubism art, and…

AN IDEA CONNECTED TO THE ART – Travel USA following the artistic itinerary of five creative Americans

7 years ago

An travel’s idea connected to the art They have long been global American brands, their images are familiar everywhere, from…


7 years ago

Observe everyday things with new eyes It is something that everyone wants: to know how to look beyond what you…

BEST AMERICAN NOVELS OF ALL TIME – The House of Mirth, by Edith Wharton

7 years ago

Discover Creativity, reading best American novels of all time An American author and Pulitzer Prize winner, EDITH WHARTON, is known…


7 years ago

Exploring the Imagist style, mixing formal verse and free forms Her poem “Fixed Idea” was published in 1910, after which…

SO TIRED OF WAITING FOR YOUR LOVE – Lloyd Thayer / The songwriter that brings a warmth and a special intimacy to the places where he plays

7 years ago

His musicality is superb, a sight to behold He is well known for his free improvisations, those that incorporate many…

THOMAS WILMER DEWING (1851/1938), AMERICAN PAINTER –Elegant and refined women, placed in interiors or autdoors

7 years ago

Painting figures in tonal style early life experience brought him about a love of music (which would later influence many…

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