IS YOU: Poetry by Paulo Coelho


coelho1.1I push me beyond my limits, and I feel fully live my own life. In you I met myself and I looked over, beyond unimaginable limits. I looked deep into your eyes, trying to understand you, but I saw everything about me, I never wanted to see. I saw my weakness and my insecurity, my guilt and my complexes, my fears and my impatience. I saw my darkness and my demons. So, I looked further, and deep in my heart, a stormy sea, a vast ocean where you can dive and get lost, and there in the depths of my soul, I understood! I took pleasure and pride in understanding what I feel today, in knowing who they really are today. Now, I know that I love beautiful things, I know that I love everything that life offers me, and one of those is you.

(Paulo Coelho)


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