March 11, 2025 12:22 pm
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Philippine photographic art and the ephemeral moments of life

There is a popular art form that began in the twentieth century, contemporary art. Artists in this category use any medium to bring their creativity to life. Many of them also use photographs for inspiration. Even photography, in fact, like a painting or a sculpture, can help express one’s creative talent. Art lovers, if interested in learning more about contemporary photographers in the Philippines, can purchase their work from an online dealer specializing in photographic art. But not only that, they can choose one from an artist’s website. The Artmajeur gallery, for example, which is also popular in the Philippines, allows photographers from that country to sell their works.

Among those who have created their own photographic training, outside of any school curriculum, we want to talk to you about a photographer who arrived in Italy from the Philippines in 1989. His motto? Whatever the result, every shot is a beautiful emotion. Boyet Abucay lives and works in Rome, the city where he cultivates his passion for photography. He had started taking photos in a fantastic place, Sardinia, an island that stimulated him to study photography by reading various specialized publications. Over time he has refined the art of capturing moments with a click; but not only that. In fact, he teaches his countrymen the same thing through the PPCR Pinoy Photography Club in Rome By visiting this city, perhaps you too will be able to see them close to Tevere River immortalizing dozens of ordinary moments that they transform into magical moments to print.

Each of his works has a long gestation. We want to introduce you to a visual artist who has a deft hand and eye to tune into art and beauty. Creative ideas even come to him in the middle of the night; it happens as if the psyche and the universe conspire to make him do something immediately. When he begins his creative sessions, this Filipino painter lets his brush and intuition dance autonomously on a blank canvas. Without having a precise and determined expressive orientation, no defined style is my style, he says of himself and his production, the visual artist EdeGuz paints using indifferently acrylic and watercolor, charcoal, pastel and digital media. We found some websites showing his paintings and sculptures, so, you can check out his works at

Although he is a celebrated photographer, his artistic practice extends to painting and sculptural works. In 2023 he set up a personal exhibition on the Grand Canal of Venice, illustrating human fragility and the search for balance. A visual artist renowned for his original approach to photography, he owes his fame to the visual acuity that allows him to capture images of great expressive force. Sought after in photography, with works that can be seen in various publications and art galleries, Mark Nicdao has revealed his talent with a multimedia exhibition of his own. With The Imaginings of a Disinhibiting Manic Neurotransmitter, in fact, he created a psychedelic atmosphere using mixed techniques within which his works evoke great amazement in the public. An advocate of improving arts education in the Philippines, he wants his young compatriots to emerge on the global stage.

In the Philippines, despite the accessibility of digital camera use, viewing photographic practice as an art form is a relatively secondary form of creative expression. His parents taught him to value independence; it was from that imprint that he understood that he could work better in total solitude. He considers himself an artist who blossomed relatively late in the field of the arts. It all happened by chance, when he was just 12 years old, photographically documenting a party at the headquarters of a Makati bank. Paul Quiambao is a successful Filipino photographer who has made a name for himself in the industry. He not only exhibited his works in various art galleries, but he also engaged creatively with both painting and sculptural works. Known for his original approach to photography, he has collaborated professionally with various local and Hollywood figures.

Finally, we want to tell you about a photographer born in Los Angeles, but who was raised by his grandparents in the small town of Cavite, in the Philippines. The work of one of Manila’s biggest names, that of the celebrity fashion photographer, has appeared on countless high-profile magazine covers. Push: Muses, Mischief, & How to Make it in Manila, his 2015 book, has achieved enormous success. After attending the Parsons School of Design in New York, the Fashion Institute of Technology and the International Center for Photography, upon returning to Manila he began producing images in the fashion and celebrity sectors. After publishing over 300 magazine covers and various advertising campaigns, BJPascual‘s creative curiosity continues to capture images of very famous people. His influence extends beyond the camera. In fact, since 2023 he has been among the five ambassadors of a well-known brand for makeup foundation.

If you want to know already published photographic stories, you can type The intellectual properties of the images that appear on this blog correspond to their authors. The sole purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these creatives, allowing others to appreciate the works.


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