February 15, 2025 7:50 am

TRAVEL IDEAS FOR ITALY – Romagna, Tuscany and Piedmont: between wild horses, red wines and foulards.

Where creative spells are born.

Italian travel ideas? Territory and nature, eating and drinking, as well as culture, art and history, can influence your tourist destinations. You could try a day in the Novacella Abbey http://www.italia.it/it/media/video/una-giornata-a-novacella.html, or try our special “author’s journey” through places and names that have made the history of Italian creativity: Vittorio Accornero de Testa, Guccio Gucci and Enzo Ferrari.

A holiday, offers you a thousand experiences, all pregnant with warm hospitality and friendliness of the people. Between hills and mountains, plains and the sea, you will find places able to amaze you every day. What is Romagna? Your special universe of landscapes, food and wine excellences and millennial traditions. Experience its delicious autumn https://www.stradadellaromagna.it/autunno-goloso-in-romagna/, or its treasures of art and taste https://www.stradadellaromagna.it/turista-a-ravenna- i-treasures-of-art-and-a-taste /.

This is an ideal land to bring you into beauty. It is not enough just a holiday to experience all the best of Tuscany https://www.visituscany.com/it/dee/10-idee-per-una-fantastica-esperienza-in-toscana/, where you expect wonderful views, atmospheres of other times and unique nature. Here, through the paths of the Val di Cornia, you can experience a special route https://www.visituscany.com/it/itinerari/da-volterra-a-populonia-in-bicicletta/ that follows the traces of the Etruscan ancestors.

The gastronomic artisanship permeates this town, even with the delicious specialties of the Antica Drogheria Corino https://drogheriacorino.jimdo.com/. Thanks to “Casale Città Aperta“, the second Sunday of each month Casale Monferrato becomes destination. Are you an adventure lover? You can contact the Aero Club Casalese N.S.I. Palli https://www.aeroclubcasale.it/, to make unforgettable sightseeing flights. To stay more days in the city? You can stay overnight at Cascina Faletta http://www.faletta.it/, where you can also eat and taste unforgettable wines.

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