Paint, understanding the Javanese culture and Javanese Puppets.
In time, he become one of the most prominent Indonesian masters in portrait painting. He started painting at age 5 years and at 10 he traveled to Surabaya and Bali, where he started portrait painting. He continued his study at Academia van Beeldende Kunsten (in the Hague, the Netherlands). During 1933, BASOEKI ABDULLAH held his first exhibition in Bandung. The Prince of Mangkunegoro VII became the persons who supported his painting career, until he become a famous painter.
BASOEKI ABDULLAH was born in Surakarta inside a January day, becoming an Indonesian painter. His work, exhibited in the Indonesian National Gallery, is characterized as realism. After the WWII, he became known internationally, winning an art contest. He was also a dancer, used to dance the heroic White Monkey in the Ramayana Traditional Theatrical Theme Dance. He was beaten to death, during a break-in at his Jakarta home.
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