March 14, 2025 11:01 am
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THE PARADISE OF THE SOUL, FROM THE LABYRINTH OF THE WORLD – Hard and harsh style into engravings and drawings, like its life

1post.1KOLOMAN SOKOL 1/3 – Koloman Sokolwas (largely considered one of the most prominent of Slovakia’s contemporary artists), he was born in a poor family, in Liptovsky Mikulas. Sokol’s father died when he was very young. He attended the private schools in Kosice and in Bratislava, as well as the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, where a real breakthrough in his career occurred. This stage of his artistic career was marked by his expressive, socially engaged graphics. After a brief period in Paris, where he received new inspiration when he met the artist Lydia Kratinova (they got married in 1933), he became a professor of graphic techniques in Mexico City. Until 1946 he lived in New York, returned to Slovakia and in United States again, creating his style. 6post.2KOLOMAN SOKOL 2/3 – Sokol was immensely creative and active almost to the end of his life. His work expresses intense inner tensions, sometimes he intentionally deforms his figures and constantly returns to his works, adding new lines and brush strokes of paint. As you can observe, its works are characterized by dynamism and expressive use of graphic techniques. Sokol’s work was inspired by van Gogh, Kollwitz and Grosz. Initially, he concentrated on graphic techniques, which he later enriched by drawing and painting in Mexico. 10post.3KOLOMAN SOKOL 3/3 – His works frequently depicted suffering, penury and human pain. Artistic, ethnic, and social aspects merge what he painted. He remained true to the limits of graphic art, in terms of form and shape. Although the primary motive of his works was man, social motives dominate his expressive work and this tendency equates to the hard and harsh style of his engravings and drawings. You can see more on Meeting Benches, looking for:


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