LA CITTA MARINARA > Volta ella è a Oriente; in quell’istesso mattino scendeva dai pallidi d’ulivi amalfitani clivi, leggiadra gioventude; l’arme in su la spalla; il carme in su le labbra; l’onda di fronte immensa; e la baldanza in core. E intanto la profonda mente scrivea dei padri una prudente legge, che resse la marina gente; e porgea ai nocchieri, per governar dei loro alberi il volo, l’ago fedele, nell’amor del polo; perché nei tempi neri, quando notturna infuria la procella, scusasse il raggio dell’occulta stella.
THE MARITIME CITY > Once she is in the East; He on that morning descended from pale olive trees Amalfitans hillocks, graceful gioventude; the arms on her shoulder; in the poem of the lips; the wave of immense forehead; and boldness in the heart. Meanwhile, the deeper mind of the fathers wrote a prudent law, which governed the seafaring men; and handed to pilots, to steer their trees the flight, the faithful needle, in the love of the pole; because blacks in the days when the storm rages night, apologized the radius of the hidden star.
Mistakes and regrets, lessons and memories It is an opportunity to offer comfort and support,…
The fascinating concept of originality, drawing inspiration from others Pushing boundaries, exploring new media, and…
An autumn morning, a notebook and the street cleaner Meeting Benches is a website…
Complexity and tension between rationality and instinct In the field of online artistic insights, Meeting…
Looking outside dreams. Look inside yourself too, you will unravel He uses his digital art…
A song, the loneliness and the joy of helping to be helped Dastilige Nevante is…
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