March 1, 2025 9:35 am
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MOMENTS: Poetry by Jorge Luis Borges

tramonto1.1If I could live my life again, in the next I would try to make more mistakes, not try to be so perfect, I would deny it more, I would be less serious than I was, in fact, I would take very few things seriously. I would be less hygienic, I would run more risks, take more vacations, contemplate more sunsets, climb more mountains, swim more rivers, I would go to places where ever I went, I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans, I would have more real problems and less imaginary. I was one of those people who lived sensibly, and each minute of his life; Of course I had moments of joy, but if I could go back I would try to have only good moments. In case you did not know, what life is about, just moments, you do not lose today. I was one of those who never went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, an umbrella and a parachute; if I could live again I begin to walk barefoot in the early spring, and would continue like this until the end of autumn. I would do more laps in the wheelchair, contemplate more sunrises and play with more children, if I had another life ahead of time. But look, I am 85 and I know I’m dying.

(Jorge Luis Borges)


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