Uruguayan painters

OPEN ROUTES FOR WOMEN, IN THE ART – Petrona Viera: The planism that portrayed an eraOPEN ROUTES FOR WOMEN, IN THE ART – Petrona Viera: The planism that portrayed an era

OPEN ROUTES FOR WOMEN, IN THE ART – Petrona Viera: The planism that portrayed an era

Landscapes, bright colors and children playing Through drawing and color, with the technique of painting it is possible to represent…

5 years ago
THE GLOBAL MODERNIST, OUT OF TIME – Joaquín Torres-García: When time is nothing, but a symbol,THE GLOBAL MODERNIST, OUT OF TIME – Joaquín Torres-García: When time is nothing, but a symbol,

THE GLOBAL MODERNIST, OUT OF TIME – Joaquín Torres-García: When time is nothing, but a symbol,

When you paint an "inverted America". Do not forget: take some cash (the only payment method accepted). Every Sunday, visitors…

6 years ago