Taslima Akhter

SCATTERED CREATIVE PEARLS, INTO A FOREST OF REEDS – Five ways to get to know BangladeshSCATTERED CREATIVE PEARLS, INTO A FOREST OF REEDS – Five ways to get to know Bangladesh

SCATTERED CREATIVE PEARLS, INTO A FOREST OF REEDS – Five ways to get to know Bangladesh

There is no village without a river, nor a stream and a poet, or popular minstrel Time flows, as do…

5 years ago
CAPTURING LIFE AND STRUGGLE OF GARMENT WORKERS – Taslima Akhter and the ability to say what is often overlooked in eventsCAPTURING LIFE AND STRUGGLE OF GARMENT WORKERS – Taslima Akhter and the ability to say what is often overlooked in events

CAPTURING LIFE AND STRUGGLE OF GARMENT WORKERS – Taslima Akhter and the ability to say what is often overlooked in events

The story of a disturbing photo, inside a tragedy How to stimulate your creativity and photographic inspiration https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/jul/02/photography-no-longer-just-prints-on-the-wall? First, you…

5 years ago