Ricardo Migliorisi

INTO A LAND OF EXTREMES – Paraguayan journey, together with special peopleINTO A LAND OF EXTREMES – Paraguayan journey, together with special people

INTO A LAND OF EXTREMES – Paraguayan journey, together with special people

History and national parks to be discovered. All you have to do is decide where to begin. By allowing you…

5 years ago
WORKING TRANSPARENCIES, CONTRASTS AND TEXTURES – Ricardo Migliorisi: The impulse to come out as a transgressorWORKING TRANSPARENCIES, CONTRASTS AND TEXTURES – Ricardo Migliorisi: The impulse to come out as a transgressor

WORKING TRANSPARENCIES, CONTRASTS AND TEXTURES – Ricardo Migliorisi: The impulse to come out as a transgressor

Show innovator, psychedelic and delirious style The psychology of art it is dedicated to the study of the phenomenons of…

5 years ago