When the rules don't apply to those who live on the margins She liked going out in the evening and…
Benozzo Gozzoli, a testimony to the power of art From Italian Renaissance painter renowned for his captivating murals, we want…
Marshall Arisman, the illustrator with provocative and violent works In this article we will tell you about Marshall Arisman https://sva.edu/about/press-room-publications/marshall-arisman-an-artist-s-journey-from-dark-to-light-1972-2017,…
Picasso, cubism and the art of enhancing forms The man buried in the grounds of the castle of Vauvenargues https://www.aixenprovencetourism.com/en/fiche/chateau-de-vauvenargues-5538765/,…
Sometimes they are not enough; you need colors and shapes to enliven the words Poetry is an art that allows…
Vincent van Gogh, between color synthesis and harmony of nature With the term post-impressionist https://www.sothebys.com/en/art-movements/post-impressionism, we refer to an artistic…
A broad and subjective concept, that drives many reflections Beauty https://www.thoughtco.com/famous-quotes-about-beauty-2833027, a concept that has fascinated humanity for centuries, is…
An art that reflects its own culture and history Imagine an archipelago of over 7,000 islands in the Pacific Ocean,…
Paul Klee and the art of making visible what is not always visible Among its main exponents, you find André…
Knowing how to love, at the heart of every good work of art there is love We are pleased to…
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