Nachiketa Chakraborty

KOLKATA, THE CITY OF JOY – Is not a city, but an emotionKOLKATA, THE CITY OF JOY – Is not a city, but an emotion

KOLKATA, THE CITY OF JOY – Is not a city, but an emotion

Like a work of modern art, neither makes sense, but exists for some impercettible reason Together with Meeting Benches,…

5 years ago
INFECTING THE LISTENER’S NERVES – Nachiketa Chakraborty: Life is visible only in the sunINFECTING THE LISTENER’S NERVES – Nachiketa Chakraborty: Life is visible only in the sun

INFECTING THE LISTENER’S NERVES – Nachiketa Chakraborty: Life is visible only in the sun

A voice slightly nasal spinning around stark colloquialisms Sometimes we fall asleep quickly, other times sleep is slow to arrive,…

5 years ago