Italian painters



Sometimes they are not enough; you need colors and shapes to enliven the words Poetry is an art that allows…

1 year ago
THE PAINTER WHO CREATED GOTHIC FABLES – Stanislao Lepri, a surrealist in the recent history of artTHE PAINTER WHO CREATED GOTHIC FABLES – Stanislao Lepri, a surrealist in the recent history of art

THE PAINTER WHO CREATED GOTHIC FABLES – Stanislao Lepri, a surrealist in the recent history of art

The countless shades of an uncomplicated pictorial labyrinth He held his first exhibition in 1946, at the Galleria La Finestrina…

3 years ago
ENRICO BAJ AND THE NUCLEAR PAINTING – Move creatively in the grotesque, with an amused lookENRICO BAJ AND THE NUCLEAR PAINTING – Move creatively in the grotesque, with an amused look

ENRICO BAJ AND THE NUCLEAR PAINTING – Move creatively in the grotesque, with an amused look

Satirical, polychromatic and playful collages Developing a personal interpretation of it, as an artist, will eviscer reality down to atomic…

3 years ago
A WINDOW ON THE RENAISSANCE PORTRAIT – The evolution of Antoniazzo Romano’s portraitureA WINDOW ON THE RENAISSANCE PORTRAIT – The evolution of Antoniazzo Romano’s portraiture

A WINDOW ON THE RENAISSANCE PORTRAIT – The evolution of Antoniazzo Romano’s portraiture

A journey from gothic styles to renaissance forms We know little about his life, yet he was the greatest Roman…

3 years ago
A PAINTER OUT OF THE SCHEMES – Giorgio Morandi, the painter who transforms the environment into works of artA PAINTER OUT OF THE SCHEMES – Giorgio Morandi, the painter who transforms the environment into works of art

A PAINTER OUT OF THE SCHEMES – Giorgio Morandi, the painter who transforms the environment into works of art

A formal rigor imbued with meditation and contemplation Having become one of the most original protagonists of Italian painting of…

5 years ago
FASCINATE THE WORLD, WITH THE MANY FACETS OF ART – Salvatore Fiume, the all-round artistFASCINATE THE WORLD, WITH THE MANY FACETS OF ART – Salvatore Fiume, the all-round artist

FASCINATE THE WORLD, WITH THE MANY FACETS OF ART – Salvatore Fiume, the all-round artist

A complete creative, capable of declining his skills in the many fields of art In the southwestern part of the…

5 years ago
ROMANTIC SHADES AT THE END OF 19TH CENTURY – Lionello Balestrieri: When music inspires subjects for paintingsROMANTIC SHADES AT THE END OF 19TH CENTURY – Lionello Balestrieri: When music inspires subjects for paintings

ROMANTIC SHADES AT THE END OF 19TH CENTURY – Lionello Balestrieri: When music inspires subjects for paintings

Painting musicians, private lessons and city streets For your stay in Siena, choose a period residence equipped with every comfort.…

5 years ago
THE PSYCHIC KUBISMUS – Gino Severini: Birth and development of cubism, up to the manifesto of futurist paintingTHE PSYCHIC KUBISMUS – Gino Severini: Birth and development of cubism, up to the manifesto of futurist painting

THE PSYCHIC KUBISMUS – Gino Severini: Birth and development of cubism, up to the manifesto of futurist painting

Where space and time merge into lights and colors Here in Cortona, the Etruscan civilization left many traces, before…

5 years ago
BETWEEN IMAGINATION AND ABSTRACTION – Carlo Carrà, the revolutionary who had a limit, beyond which there was something moreBETWEEN IMAGINATION AND ABSTRACTION – Carlo Carrà, the revolutionary who had a limit, beyond which there was something more

BETWEEN IMAGINATION AND ABSTRACTION – Carlo Carrà, the revolutionary who had a limit, beyond which there was something more

When a puppet symbolized the destruction of the era of false beauty In Piedmont, on the northwestern border with the…

5 years ago
THE MYSTERIOUS SPLENDOR OF PICTORIAL NEGATIVITY – Parmigianino, an innate mannerist disposition in the shadow of the RenaissanceTHE MYSTERIOUS SPLENDOR OF PICTORIAL NEGATIVITY – Parmigianino, an innate mannerist disposition in the shadow of the Renaissance

THE MYSTERIOUS SPLENDOR OF PICTORIAL NEGATIVITY – Parmigianino, an innate mannerist disposition in the shadow of the Renaissance

Where present fades into eternity and unreal timeless dimension Following in the footsteps of Parmigianino, we propose you to get…

5 years ago