ANSELM KIEFER (1945), GERMAN PAINTER – The Neo-Expressionist artist who draws with unusual mediaANSELM KIEFER (1945), GERMAN PAINTER – The Neo-Expressionist artist who draws with unusual media

ANSELM KIEFER (1945), GERMAN PAINTER – The Neo-Expressionist artist who draws with unusual media

FROM THE BLACK FOREST TO THE VISUAL ART – Anselm Kiefer: the big trip of German painter ANSELM KIEFER 1/3…

8 years ago
GEORG TAPPERT (1880/1957), GERMAN PAINTER – One of the masters of German ExpressionismGEORG TAPPERT (1880/1957), GERMAN PAINTER – One of the masters of German Expressionism

GEORG TAPPERT (1880/1957), GERMAN PAINTER – One of the masters of German Expressionism

DESIGNING THE WORLD OF THE SHOW – Georg Tappert: when artistic expression is born among ballet dancers and street prostitutes…

8 years ago
AUGUST FRIEDRICH SIEGERT (1820/1883), GERMAN PAINTER – Charming realistic paintingsAUGUST FRIEDRICH SIEGERT (1820/1883), GERMAN PAINTER – Charming realistic paintings

AUGUST FRIEDRICH SIEGERT (1820/1883), GERMAN PAINTER – Charming realistic paintings

DREAMING ON THE WINDOWSILL – The 19th Century Realism painted by August Friedrich Siegert AUGUST FRIEDRICH SIEGERT 1/2 – He…

8 years ago
OSKAR SCHLEMMER (1883/1943), GERMAN PAINTER – When the actors are transfigured from the normal to geometrical shapesOSKAR SCHLEMMER (1883/1943), GERMAN PAINTER – When the actors are transfigured from the normal to geometrical shapes

OSKAR SCHLEMMER (1883/1943), GERMAN PAINTER – When the actors are transfigured from the normal to geometrical shapes

The intellectual property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors. The sole purpose of this…

8 years ago