
INSIDE THE ROMAN DOLCE VITA, CREATIVELY – Seven hills, a river and six people not to be forgottenINSIDE THE ROMAN DOLCE VITA, CREATIVELY – Seven hills, a river and six people not to be forgotten

INSIDE THE ROMAN DOLCE VITA, CREATIVELY – Seven hills, a river and six people not to be forgotten

Warm and quiet Rome, where you can be fascinated by the unexpected Our trip to Rome smells of the typical…

2 years ago
CREATIVE BOLD, AWAY FROM THE SPOTLIGHT – Frida Giannini’s strong design aestheticCREATIVE BOLD, AWAY FROM THE SPOTLIGHT – Frida Giannini’s strong design aesthetic

CREATIVE BOLD, AWAY FROM THE SPOTLIGHT – Frida Giannini’s strong design aesthetic

The creative director who loves charities. She does not consider fashion as a simple job, but as a vocation. Together…

2 years ago