Adriaan Roland Holst, a Dutch poet, was born in Amsterdam in one day in May 1888 his first volume of poems in 1911 (Verses) and the second is 1913 (The profession of silence), but it will be only after almost ten years his passion for the meek will find his precious language full of symbols, arriving in 1937 to its …
THE RIDDLE OF PIETER NICOLAAS VAN EYCK: Living suspended between dream and reality, imagination and sensory observability
Pieter Nicolaas van Eyck, a Dutch poet, was born in Breukelen October 1st 1887 Bride in 1914 Nelly Estelle Benjamins – a woman born and raised in Suriname – and she moved to the UK in 1919, literature (especially poetry), there remains for him the existential domain, because he sees in it the power of God. far from young, Van …
Read More »ON THE FIELD OF GRAIN HAI ZI: Come on wheat field, at noon, watching horses red and white
MOZART SAYS IN REQUIEM – by Hai Zi “Women whom I can see women in the water please pick up my bones in the wheat field bones like a bouquet of catkins and bring them home in a violin box. Women whom I can see clean women women on the river please reach into the wheat field. When I am …
Read More »LISTENING TO MARK STRAND: In a black sea, hold things together after a party sad
BLACK SEA – by Mark Strand “One clear night while the others slept, I climbed the stairs to the roof of the house and under a sky strewn with stars I gazed at the sea, at the spread of it, the rolling crests of it raked by the wind, becoming like bits of lace tossed in the air. I stood …
Read More »WITH HANDS OF HAI ZI: Sometimes, hands in the wheat field, make you happy
YOUR HANDS – by Hai Zi “North Drawing your hands The hand picks off a glove They’re just two small lamps.” SOMETIMES – by Hay Zi “Sometimes I sit alone in the wheat field of May dreaming of my brothers I see cobblestones roll over the riverbank The arc sky at dusk fills the earth with sad …
Read More »LISTENING HAIZI: Under the tree in August, when the moon break your heart
FROM JUNE TO OCTOBER “Woman of June gathers water, gathers moonlight Woman of July sells cotton Woman under the August tree washes her ears I hear in the opposite window that the woman of September is engaged her ring like a wet chick in her pocket Woman of October blows out the candles of her wedding. Black doors fall on …
Read More »THE CHINESE MAN LOOKING THE MOUNTAIN: Moving between the nine-headed birds and princesses, dragons and caverns impossible, holding a flask of pumpkin
There was once a king and a queen who had a beautiful daughter. One day the girl was walking in the garden when a strong storm broke out that led her away with him. The storm was caused by the bird with nine heads. The king proclaimed that whosoever brought his daughter should have her in marriage. A young farmer …
Read More »CHINESE DEPTHS: Looking at the relationship between man and nature, pruning magnolia trees and soft watercolor painting, along with the children, waiting for the autumn
PRUNING TREES – Po Chu-I “Before my window grow trees; tall trees and dense foliage grows. Sad, alas, the distant view of the mountains: obscured, between them, can be seen just One morning I took a knife and hatchet; with my own hands cut the flourishing branches. Myriads of leaves fall around me in the head, thousands of mountains appear …
Read More »RAINER MARIA RILKE: To be loved is to pass, but love is last
HOW COULD I: “How could I hold it in me, my soul, that your material does not touch; as you remove it over, ad infinitum? I could hide it in a remote corner in the darkness; a stranger quiet refuge, which is not followed to vibrate if it vibrates your deep. But everything that touches us, you and me, together, …
Read More »NOCTURNAL OF CHINA: Where the ice crystals fill the sky, begging you to not wait to take a stem blight
NIGHT THOUGHTS – Li Bai In front of my bed the moon illuminates the earth As reflections of frost. I look up to the shining moon, then bowed his head: my land is far away. MOORING AT NIGHT BRIDGE MAPLE – Zhang Ji The moon sets, ice crystals fill the sky, cry of a crow. In the river a …
Read More »THE LOCKS OF GABCIKOVO: The Ocean’s Green West Slovakia, where seven-tenths of what you are, can you find the three-tenths of what you’re looking for
A lone Vespa enthusiast, off Ocean Green Western Slovakia, has lost any reference point and can not find the way to Gabcikovo. Lost in the banks of the Danube, he experiences the special character of that expanse of grass, hay and water that surrounds it, but it changes its perceptions, visual and emotional, which are beyond its control. Start a …
Read More »THE NIGHT OF AKIKO YOSANO: A whole spring enclosed inside a peony, observing the body where it remains something of yesterday
“Love or blood? Throughout the spring peony is in this that haunts me. Night falls, I’m alone, alone without a poem.” Her name is Akiko and was born in a winter day in 1878, giving us by her death – in the spring of 1942 – the indelible charm of its tanka poems, where the five lines formed syllables (5, …
Read More »FERNANDO ANTONIO NOGUEIRA PESSOA: I get lost if I encounter, I doubt if I find
“I get lost if I encounter, I doubt if I find, I do not have if I got it. As if I walk, I sleep, but I’m awake. As if asleep, I wake up, and I do not belong. At the end of life is in itself a great insomnia and there’s a shiny rude awakening in everything we think …
Read More »BEHIND THE CHINESE MOUNTAINS: Autumn Wind and white clouds, yellow dust above the cornice
Song of autumn at midnight (Anonymous) “The autumn wind coming through windows The silk curtains come agitated by the breath moves. I raise my head and look at the moon that shines, And I feel joy for the rays that come from thousands of them.” What’s in the mountains? (Tao Hongjing) “What’s in the mountains? Over the mountains there …
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