BETWEEN MATERIALISM AND TRANSCENDENCY – Jacek Yerka: when the nuances of creativity embrace the world of things and that of fantasyBETWEEN MATERIALISM AND TRANSCENDENCY – Jacek Yerka: when the nuances of creativity embrace the world of things and that of fantasy

BETWEEN MATERIALISM AND TRANSCENDENCY – Jacek Yerka: when the nuances of creativity embrace the world of things and that of fantasy

JACEK YERKA 1/2 – Jacek Yerka is a Polish surrealist painter that was born into an artistic family. What he…

9 years ago
WHEN NORTHERN CLIMES OFFER FEELINGS – Herman Wahlberg: by painting, landscape art phenomena become a grand novelWHEN NORTHERN CLIMES OFFER FEELINGS – Herman Wahlberg: by painting, landscape art phenomena become a grand novel

WHEN NORTHERN CLIMES OFFER FEELINGS – Herman Wahlberg: by painting, landscape art phenomena become a grand novel

HERMAN WAHLBERG 1/2 – He was born in Stockholm, one day in February of 1834. His father also was a…

9 years ago
THE MAGICAL REALISM OF ANTONIO DONGHI – Strong composition, spatial clarity and populist subject matterTHE MAGICAL REALISM OF ANTONIO DONGHI – Strong composition, spatial clarity and populist subject matter

THE MAGICAL REALISM OF ANTONIO DONGHI – Strong composition, spatial clarity and populist subject matter

ANTONIO DONGHI 1/4 – Magical realism, is a term that is used both to indicate, in the visual arts, a…

9 years ago
AROUND THE AOSHIMA’S UNIVERSE – My work feels like strands of my thoughts that have flown around the universe before coming back to materialiseAROUND THE AOSHIMA’S UNIVERSE – My work feels like strands of my thoughts that have flown around the universe before coming back to materialise

AROUND THE AOSHIMA’S UNIVERSE – My work feels like strands of my thoughts that have flown around the universe before coming back to materialise

When your geographical horizon extends - for business or pleasure - you have the wonderful opportunity to hear you inside,…

9 years ago
BETWEEN ART NOUVEAU AND ART DECO STYLES – Xavier Gosè I Rovira: the creative imprint on a generation of artistsBETWEEN ART NOUVEAU AND ART DECO STYLES – Xavier Gosè I Rovira: the creative imprint on a generation of artists

BETWEEN ART NOUVEAU AND ART DECO STYLES – Xavier Gosè I Rovira: the creative imprint on a generation of artists

XAVIER GOSE I ROVIRA 1/4 – He provided illstrations for several well-known magazines. Gosé's oeuvre has been defined as something…

9 years ago