ENJOY YOUR MEAL: Eating fish and shellfish, the island of Sant ‘Antioco, Sardinia

10 years ago

220 km and three hours of road, on our Vespa 300ie. I decided to start on a late afternoon -…

MONTI PRAMA, SARDINIA: Observing the night, I try the eyes of the Sun

10 years ago

Villages with round huts gathered between them, with base ring-shaped stone, were in the vicinity of the nuraghis and holy…

VERONICA FRANCO, VENICE: If I could be certain of your love

10 years ago

.................................."And what is my beauty, the one that you are not tired of praising, I'll spend later in your contentment:…

SARDINIA, A NEW DAWN: Looking for the arrival of the sun, waiting in the blue, inside our intimate quiet

10 years ago

Sure, wait for the dawn, we overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, next to the bear of Palau, is an intriguing experience,…

SPARGI AND LA MADDALENA SARDINIA: In the Museum of Time and Wind, in the colors of blue and turquoise

10 years ago

After a wonderful night and a wonderful sunrise, we start from Santa Teresa di Gallura to Palau, to board the…

SARDINIA RIGHT ON TIME: Waiting for the charm of the bear of Palau and the deliciousness of Pleurotus

10 years ago

Right on time (and at a cost of 96.40 Euros), the ferry - http://booking.saremar.it/TBooking/TicketRoute.aspx - started by Boniface at 15:30,…

WILLIAM TURNER: The Painter of Light, the man capable of merging the heavens and the earth, inside an unparalleled emotional chromaticity

10 years ago

"The sun is God." For him. the light was divine emanation, but also creative playfulness that comparing with the water…

VINCENZO RABITO: Four money to buy bread, ten cents for living well

10 years ago

The Diary of a life, is the one written by an illiterate italian  man, born in 1899. That document was…

SYLVIA PLATH: The vertical woman who preferred to be horizontal, between the infinite light of the stars and the scents cold of his short life

10 years ago

“I Am Vertical, but I would rather be horizontal. I am not a tree with my root in the soil,…

VINCENT VAN GOGH: The many faces of suffering, wrapped in gold of his wheat fields

10 years ago

It was a day in late July of 1890, the small town of Auvers-sur-Oise was dozing, but the noise of…