Expressive versatility in art, on six sides of its base polygon
For a few years, Spain https://www.spain.info/en/ has implemented a real strategic plan for the promotion of cultural activities and creative industries, providing for interventions related to the development of professional skills. The influence of the creative approach has ancient and widespread traditions throughout the Spanish territory, but what we offer you with our author’s journey is focus on Madrid https://www.esmadrid.com/en/visit-madrid. You will meet six special people, eclectic people who have been able to correctly perceive and regulate their attitudes in as many areas of artistic expression.

Black paintings

https://www.museodelprado.es/aprende/encyclopedia/voz/pinturas-negras-goya/3ac8fe0b-3dd9-4dcd-b1e1-a21877cc8163, is the name of fourteen mural works by Francisco Goya, painted in oil on the walls covered with plaster. They were create as a decoration on the walls of a house he bought in Madrid, but are currently in the Prado Museum in Madrid https://www.museodelprado.es/en. Another Spanish painter’s abstract and surrealist painting was inspire by the masterpieces housed in that museum. Despite being born in Madrid, he lives and works in Valencia. Considering the harmony of forms as a primary necessity, with a meditative and contemplative technique, José Manuel Merello https://www.merello.com/arte_online.modern_art._original_drawings_and_prints_by_merello.htm considers the use of pure colors for a long time and deeply. Technically speaking, he reminds you that what you do may be wrong, but it needs to be perfectly wrong. His work is influence not only by Renaissance and Baroque masters, but also by the Impressionists, abstraction and abstract expressionism.

When you are about to end your Madrid day you can combine good food with live music. La Noche en Vivo https://lanocheenvivo.com/ hosts musical performances with famous artists and new talent. Share the experience, listen to live music in Madrid too; it will be the soundtrack of your author’s journey, even if a certain Beatriz will not be among those who will sing that evening. For her, Latin music is rhythm connected to emotion, something like a dance: moving your feet, crying and, why not, laughing. She studied song and dance, starred in various musicals and became a star of Spanish television. Her powerful music transformed her into the most sought after singer-songwriter of her time. Already at an early age, his love for singing and dancing was more than evident. She was born in Madrid, she with a French traveling circus she had already started her creative adventure at the age of 9. Faithful to her style, Beatriz Luengo https://www.facebook.com/BeatrizLuengoOficial prepares for what will be new soulful musical lyrics. In 2001, she plays the part of Lola Fernández is in the cast of Paso adelante, creating with them the UPA Dance group.

Madrid’s literary district https://www.actualidadliteratura.com/it/barrio-de-las-letras-madrid-paseos-rutas-lugares/ offers you the opportunity not for simple walks, but paths and places of memory. Its streets are home to the ghosts of famous Spanish authors. You will not meet Lope de Vega or Miguel de Cervantes, but you can choose a bench where you can read some poetry by a Madrid girl named Inma. She is a member of the organizing committee of the International Poetry Meeting in Úbeda, as well as director and host of the classical music radio program La Fusa. Also publishing them in digital magazines, his rhymes are included in numerous poetic anthologies. Among the collections of poems published by Inma J. Ferrero http://www.oceanonellanima.it/oceano/blogocn/blog_post.php?id=183, however, we point out The light sigh of a poem, Adagio ma not too much (translated into Italian), as well as The disturbed agreement. In search of cultural experiments, she is in a continuous evolutionary phase. Among her poetic performances, she https://www.amazon.it/DEL-ALMA-BOCA-Poetas-madrile%C3%B1as/dp/8494888730 has given recitals in Madrid and Rome, Rosario (Argentina) and Florence. THE WISH OF YOUR MEMORY – Maybe I will knock on your door, and when I hear your footsteps, I will hide my heart like a frightened child. So many nights strip my sleepless nights! I wonder if you love me even if it is only for a moment. Maybe he decides to see you, and to walk to your house, answering the same question a thousand times. However, I am a coward, your name distresses me, and my courage fills me with fear, turning me into shadow. Maybe it is already late, and your heart has forgotten me by punishing me at a distance. Nevertheless, I die in the heat of your memory, and my voice darkens like a sad leaf, like a sigh without a master.

The Barrio de Salamanca is the shopping area of Madrid. Its Golden Mile is a space between via Serrano, between Ortega y Gasset and Plaza de la Independencia. Obviously, you too know that in Calle de Serrano https://belbex.com/blog/tiendas-calle-serrano-madrid/ is the Madrid fashion street par excellence, the right place to add something of a creative who likes to show off their clothing in this street. As part of Madrid Fashion Week and the Madrid Fashion Capital project, in 2021 he presented his Spring-Summer collection with a street action in via Serrano, which has been transform into a catwalk. Fashion designer with a functional and urban style, he has transformed his creative vocation into one of the biggest names in Spanish fashion. After designing practical clothes, in 1993 she also introduced her own cosmetics to boutiques. At the base of Roberto Verino‘s fashion design https://www.instagram.com/robertoverinooficial/, always in search of excellence, you will find quality fabrics destined to make his customers elegantly suggestive. Immortalized by photographers such as Javier Vallhonrat or Jacques Olivar, Monica Belluci and Iman wore her fashion creations.

Sala Canal de Isabel II https://www.comunidad.madrid/centros/sala-canal-isabel-ii is an unmissable point of reference for lovers of photography and images. Not only will you be fascinated by temporary photographic exhibitions, but in conjunction with Madrid Fashion Week also by the masters of fashion design. Among them, we offer you a Madrid-based named Chema. In a subtle and disturbing light, a careful selection of 73 photographs by him became the Cruelty exhibition in 2021 https://www.circulobellasartes.com/exposiciones/chema-madoz-crueldad/. From his point of view, objects have the same character as words: it is by creatively blending them together that he constructs his visual meanings. Born in Madrid in 1958, Chema Madoz https://www.famousphotographers.net/chema-madoz is a Spanish photographer well known for his poetic and surrealist black and white photographs. He studied Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid, right where he was exposed to the knowledge of photography. When he realized that human figures were no longer interesting photographically, he turned his creative curiosity away from body representations.

To know a good comic shop in the center of Madrid, Infinity Comics https://infinitycomics.es/, you will have to go to number two on Calle de las Hileras. From the outside, it looks like a small shop, but as you enter, you will find that it is a size to suit your curiosity. You will find manga, Marvel and DC comics. Metropolis Comics https://www.metropoliscomics.net/ is instead a shop specializing in comics, new and old for collectibles. If you are interested, we offer you an illustrator www.raularias.com who has created a literary map of Madrid. Born in Madrid in 1969, the Spanish illustrator he published Memorias de Gus for the newspaper El País. If you asked Raul Arias https://www.behance.net/raularias when you started drawing, he would reply that, according to what they told him, his mother chewed colored pencils when I was pregnant with him. The illustration needs to be associated with the accompanying text, yet, even if unconsciously, he does not fail to let himself go to his imagination.

The intellectual properties of the images that appear on this blog correspond to their authors. The only purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these creative people, allowing others to appreciate the works. If you want to know our author travel already published, you can type http://meetingbenches.com/category/author_travels/.