Surprising views on art and popular culture
The son of a butcher, he grew up in Copenhagen and interrupted his studies at the Academy of Art, starting to work as an illustrator and stand-up comedian. As a comic writer, he collaborated extensively with the Copenhagen newspaper Berlingske Tidende and cartoonist. On the environment of the petty bourgeoisie of Copenhagen, he enjoyed writing an enormous amount of stories, sometimes even absurd and surreal. From 1920 onwards, he was a very famous humorist, and his first comic was print in 1906. Danish cartoonist, painter and humorist Robert Storm Petersen, http://www.artnet.com/artists/robert-storm-petersen/, better known by his pseudonym Storm P, was born in the Danish Valby in 1882.

His works concern not only humans,

but also how they interact with each other. Many of his paintings deal with the themes of death and pain. He painted the victims of injustice and misery, and he did so by attuning to expressions of melancholy and fear. Despite his interest in the marginalized, he showed very little social criticism. Her work was born from the way of speaking in Copenhagen and the way of thinking of a very ordinary Danish homemaker. Although with a very personal touch of madness, Robert Storm Petersen https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/term/AUTH234566 was heavily tune to British humor.

He placed some of his monologues in the mouth of Vor ven Grog, his dog, who reflected on life and death with humorous sadness. Inside his 60,000 drawings and 100 paintings, Robert Storm Petersen https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/robert-storm-petersen/m04sbz1?hl=en created illustrated jokes or artist sketches, with vagabonds who are portray as petty philosophers. He designed scenery for ballets and plays, and in 1920, he created the first Danish animated cartoon Three Small Men.

Well known for his drawings of
machines that performed simple tasks with unnecessarily complex actions, Robert Storm Petersen https://www.visitcopenhagen.com/copenhagen/planning/storm-museum-gdk435545 has also illustrated books by authors congenial to him. Although with his original naivist touch, as a painter, he was influence by Edvard Munch and Toulouse-Lautrec. Throughout his life, Paul Klee and Wassily Kandinsky also became sources of inspiration for him. He also performed in several early Danish silent movies, and to supplement his income, also acting in stage comedies.

As an artist, he was able to encourage us to observe ourselves with a new gaze. At the entrance to Three Small MenGardens, he has his own museum https://www.visitcopenhagen.com/copenhagen/planning/storm-museum-gdk435545, where you can view his drawings and paintings. Being he an Impressionist & Modern artist, numerous galleries and museums have featured his work in the past. After getting married twice, to Ellen Margrethe Jacobsen and Lydia Clementine Angelica Sorensen, Robert Storm Petersen died in Frederiksberg in 1949.

The sole purpose of this site is to spread the knowledge of these creative people, allowing others to appreciate their works. If you want to know some already published cartoonists, you can type https://meetingbenches.com/category/cartoonists/. The intellectual properties of the images appearing in this blog correspond to their authors.