SONGS INSIDE SONGS – Vetusta Morla, an indie rock band from Madrid

A very popular band, between surprises and innovations

Also in Madrid, do not forget the famous artists and the new musical talents who share the warmth of the public, through the experience of playing live. Arrived in the city we recommend you to create the soundtrack of your trip to the Spanish capital, visiting some places you will never forget, such as BarCo, stronghold of rock lovers, or enter Cardamom, historic flamenco tablao and dinner of typical Spanish dishes. For a Vetusta Morla concert you can choose from these events

After nine years of musical career, in 2008 they released first album Un día en el mundo, with success from the public and specialized critics. Vetusta Morla is an indie rock band, originally from Tres Cantos (Madrid). The band’s shows are full of surprises and innovations. After years of touring Spain and other countries, in 2014 they released their third album The drift.

The Vetusta Morla group, born in 1998, owes its name to a character from La storia infinita, an elderly giant tortoise. The recording of their first demo took place in 2000. In 2017, they released their fourth album Mismo sitio, distinguished lugar. The band is very popular in the homeland. For the great concert they celebrated in 2018 in Madrid, they received the Ondas prize in music for the best live show.

Formed in the late 90s with the aim of going beyond the stereotypes of that genre, as an alternative pop/rock band, they are assiduous in alternative music festivals, such as Bilbao BBK Live, Santander Music and PortAmérica Rida Baixas among others. Since the release of their debut album, Sextet Vetusta Morla has received critical and public acclaim, becoming the most important Spanish rock music band in recent years.

LOS DIAS RAROS – ¡Ábrelo! ábrelo despacio. Di qué ves; dime qué ves, si hay algo. Un manantial breve y fugaz entre las manos. Toca afinar, definir el trazo, Sintonizar, reagrupar pedazos a mi colección de medallas y de arañazos ya está aquí. Quien lo vio bailar como un lazo en un ventilador. Quién iba a decir que sin carbón, no hay reyes magos. Aún quedan vicios por perfeccionar en los días raros. Nos destaparemos en la intimidad con la punta del zapato. Ya está aquí. Quien lo vio bailar como un lazo en un ventilador. Quién iba a decir que sin borrón, no hay trato. El futuro se vistió con el traje nuevo del emperador. Quién iba a decir que sin carbón, no hay reyes magos. Nos quedan muchos más. Regalos por abrir, monedas que al girar. Descubran un perfil que empieza en celofán y acaba en eco.

THE RARE DAYS – Open it! Open it slowly. Say what you see; tell me what you see if there is something, a brief and fleeting spring in your hands. It is time to sharpen, define the stroke, Tune, regroup pieces to my collection of medals and scratches is here. Who saw him dance like a bow on a fan. Who would have thought that without coal, there are no wise men. There are still vices to perfect on rare days. We will uncover ourselves in privacy with the toe of the shoe. It is here. Who saw him dance like a bow on a fan. Who would have thought that without a blur, there is no deal. The future dressed in the Emperor’s new outfit. Who would have thought that without coal, there are no wise men. We have many more left. Gifts to open, coins to turn. Discover a profile that starts in cellophane and ends in echo.

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