WOMEN’S UTOPIAS OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY – Anne-Marie du Boccage / A woman’s letter in the eighteenth century.

Rights and liberties, travelers & travel liars.

This is a small local of Rouen, https://us.france.fr/en/normandy/article/rouen-1 typical of Normandy, where you can find special dishes (such as frogs), absolutely to try. If you do not want to eat frogs, try the entrecote of the cows in the area, tender and tasty. “La Petite Auberge” awaits you at 164 Rue Martainville. Tourists travel to visit this important French city, the birthplace of Impressionism! At the cathedral, you too can see the series of thirty Impressionist paintings featuring Rouen Cathedral, painted by Claude Monet.

Born in the upper middle class of the eighteenth century, she wrote poetry and plays for the stage. ANNE-MARIE FIQUET DU BOCCAGE was born in Rouen on an October day in 1710. At the age of 17, she married a tax collector who was fond of literature. Having settled in Paris, they began to establish a salon, where she began to associate with famous figures. In what was a rare distinction for a woman, she was awared the first prize of the Rouen Academy, in this way knowing Voltaire and his friend Le Cornier de Cideville, as well as to the abbé Trublet and other learned figures. In 1748, she published a translation of Milton’s Paradise Lost. Through this poem, she gained sudden fame, and until the 1760s innumerable poems about her were published. 

ANNE-MARIE DU BOCCAGE decided to brave the stage with her “The Amazons)”, a tragedy in verse, and that play was a success. She then tried her creativity at an epic poem with “La Colombiade”, poem in ten cantos. Her Letters Concerning England, Holland and Italy, was published in English in 1770. When she travelled to Italy, she was she received by the Pope and she was the second Frenchwoman to be admitted to the academies of Rome and Bologna, Padua, Florence and Cortona. Until die in Paris in a August day 1802, always she manifested a certain feminism, did not hesitating to support other women writers or artists.

TO WOMEN – Beautiful whose powerful suffrage gives the genius a flaming price, I dedicate my work to you: if I could touch your heart, I dare to promise the homage of a people to your worshiper. When you admire the courage of the proud and wise Amazon, those of Love flee from deceptive art, consider that the seductive attraction of your traits, of your tongue, puts more slaves in hearts. (From “Le Amazzoni”, a tragedy in five acts by Madame Du Boccage, first page).

The intellectual property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors. The sole purpose of this site, is to spread the knowledge of these artists and that other people enjoy their works. To pursue this issue, you can digit: http://data.bnf.fr/11900682/anne-marie_du_bocage/#allmanifs

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