VALERIO ADAMI (1935), PITTORE ITALIANO – Working in London and Paris, educated at the Accademia di Brera in Milan.

When creativity is influenced by Pop Art.

In Bologna, but only after sunset, above the door of number 5, there is a window that shows a strange phenomenon, a sort of dense cloud that changes shape and color. To observe the unusual spectacle, you will have to take via Carbonara, a small street that faces Palazzo Bocchi. Some scholars think that it is the ectoplasm of the Celtic princess Aposa, who drowned in the creek. Get closer to your camera, ready to capture the breath of time.

Italian painter VALERIO ADAMI was born in Bologna in a March day. At the age of ten he began to study painting under the instruction of Felice Carena. In 1951 he was accepted into the Brera Academy, where studied as a draughtsman. In 1955 he went to Paris, but his first solo exhibition came in 1959 in Milan.

Artistically born from a painting influenced by the work of Francis Bacon, according to the modules of the Amereric Pop Art, VALERIO ADAMI developed fantastic comics to arrange trivial objects. His style is distinguished by the use of smooth and continuous layers, inside the sharp black fences of the drawing. He participates in a series of retrospectives in Madrid and Siena, in Bochum and in Buenos Aires. The most recent personal exhibition was that of 2013 in Ravenna. His “Senza titolo” serigraphy is kept at the Cantonal Art Museum in Lugano.

The intellectual property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors. The sole purpose of this site, is to spread the knowledge of these artists and that other people enjoy their works.

Meeting Bench

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Meeting Bench

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