January 26, 2025 12:09 pm

JOURNEY TO THE END OF THE NIGHT – Romance by Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Because everyone has on his way something that pains him

A pleasant culinary experience in Courbevoie, which opens a small window in a world of different tastes? Le Timgad, at 37 rue de l’Alma, http://www.letimgad.com/fr is a restaurant that welcomes you with its white windows carved with arabesques, tastes that mix sweet and savory and meats enriched with artichokes and vegetables various. The traditions of this type of cuisine can be appreciated also for the good wine, robust and savory. Booking suggested. Village of fishermen and winemakers in the Gallo-Roman era, Courbevoie became a dependency of the city of Colombes until the end of the eighteenth century. Here you can visit the Roybet Fould Museum, admiring collections of works of the second half of the nineteenth century, along with a collection of toys and testimonies related to local history (remember the return of the ashes of Napoleon I, posters, postcards). The photographer and painter Jacques Henri Lartigue, the singer-songwriter Michel Delpech and the writer Louis-Ferdinand Céline were born under this sky.

He had walked in the desolate suburbs of Paris (where he was the doctor of the poor), that’s why Louis-Ferdinand Céline loved to call himself the chronicler of human misery. He was born in Courbevoie (a French city of the Île-de-France), on a day in late May 1894. The pseudonym with which he signed all his works was the name of his maternal grandmother. He xperiences the horrors of the Great War and the enjoyable life of the rear had lived through; he had observed the rise of a cynical bourgeoisie and the hardships of colonial Africa. Not only. He had smelled the lonely crowd of New York and the assembly lines of the Ford. He is a writer able to express in the pages of a novel the pessimism about human nature and about human institutions. Published in 1932, “Journey to the End of the Night” is the first novel by Louis-Ferdinand Céline. This book belongs to the category of timeless pages. Reading this book, you will discover that this is a grim novel in which cynicism merges with misanthropy.

One of the protagonists of Journey to the End of the Night is able to express singing all this: “our life is like the journey of a traveler in the night; everyone has something on his path that is worth it “. By completing the reading of the novel, you will also discover that it represents a satire towards the medical profession and scientific research. The writer had wanted to dedicate this novel to an American dancer he was in love with, but she had preferred to return to California. Elizabeth Craig had made her existential voyage far from him, remaining enveloped in the anonymity of oblivion.

The intellectual property of the images that appear in this blog correspond to their authors. The sole purpose of this site, is to spread the knowledge of these artists and that other people enjoy their works. To pursue this issue, you can digit: https://www.amazon.com/Journey-End-Night-Louis-Ferdinand-C%C3%A9line/dp/0811216543


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