WELCOME IN COSTA DEL CARIBE: Cartagena, Ciutad Perdida and 1600 km of beach, along with Manuel

3.1Lush nature, full of history. Cheerful inhabitants (the Costeños), always ready to sing and dance, along with their fellow natives – the Kuna, Kogi, Arhuaco and Guajiro – who know all the secrets of the Sierra Nevada. Welcome to Costa del Caribe, 1600 km of Atlantic coastline, a succession of towns and villages, rocks, beaches and palm trees. I live in Cartagena (the city that, in the past, it was called the Door on Eldorado), a city which is UNESCO Heritage of Humanity, gateway to South America. http://www.colombia.travel/en

Do you want to accompany you to visit the Old City, but we will not find anything in the village of Kalamaki, what Don Pedro de Heredia had found in 1533. Of course, we will not find even galleons laden with gold and slaves. Quiet even pirates have disappeared from these waters, and this enables us to write in your notebook travel some tips (my), connected to as many places to visit.2.1

In Cartagena, visit the Iglesia and the Convento de Santo Domingo; not far from the city, enjoy the atmosphere of the Islas del Rosario; savor every flap of the Tayrona Park, because its lonely beaches are absolutely pristine. One more thing: come with me to Ciutad Perdida (our Machu Pichu-), but not by helicopter, because I advise you to spend six days to get over that mountain. We will sleep in hammocks, cooking what we brought. Upon my word, you will not forget Ciutad Perdida, and even Manuel. http://wikitravel.org/en/Ciudad_Perdida4.1


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