February 17, 2025 6:11 am

A HOUSE OF PICO, WHERE WE CAN REGENERATE OURSELVES: As the farmer marries elm to the screws, so the magician marries the earth to Heaven

lui1.1Pico is in the pages of a new book, one written by Giulio Busi and Raphael Ebgi. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola died in a November day in 1494, at the age of 31 years, but after more than five centuries, for him, is not only his proverbial memory. In his portraits, we can observe a handsome man, in his writings we find the genius, in the chronicles that speak of him we read the events related to the life of a man of the Italian Renaissance, a literary protected from the benevolence of Lorenzo de Medici. The scenario of his life, that of Savonarola and Poliziano, Marsilio Ficino and Leonardo da Vinci, takes him into contact with a jew converted to Christianity (Guglielmo Raimondo Moncada). From that meeting, Pico – the man of noble appearance, soft skin, beautiful face and blue-gray eyes – he comes to knowledge of Jewish mysticism, and he will dips “as the farmer marries elm to the screws, so the mage the earth to Heaven. http://www.einaudi.it/libri/libro/giulio-busi-raphael-ebgi/giovanni-pico-della-mirandola/978880619838VENEREbOTTICELLI.1

Pico, studied in Ferrara and Padua, Bologna and Pavia, but in Florence – the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance – he knows the right atmosphere to grow intellectually. For him, every woe of reality contains the whole world, and man – at the center of creation – can get to the divine, simply retreating into himself. “We have made you neither heavenly nor earthly, neither mortal nor immortal, because of yourself almost free and sovereign creator plasmassi you and you sculpt the shape you’d chosen. You can degenerate into lower things that are brutes; You can, according to your will, regenerate in the higher things that are divine. In man the Father put down nascent seeds of each species and germs of all life. And depending on how each of them will have grown, those will grow and give him fruit. If sensitive, you brute, if rational, will become celestial soul, whether intellectual, will be angel, and will gather in the center of its unity, made one spirit with God. ” Obviously, in Rome suffers charges of heresy, flees to France but returns to Florence, acquitted by Pope Alexander VI and protected by Lorenzo de Medici.LORENZO.1

Pico dies at the age of thirty-one, in the city of Florence invaded by the French. When you visit the city, do not forget to go to the convent of San Marco. That man of enormous culture and unusual memory, you will find it in good company, with Poliziano and Benivieni. Remember, however, one important thing: he appreciated the divine nectar of the things written. Perhaps, reading a few lines from the Song of Songs, you’ll do it again smile: “Song of Songs, which is Solomon’s. Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! Yes, your love is more delightful wine. For the fragrance is intoxicating your fragrances, fragrance redolent is your name, so the young girls love you. Draw me after you, run! I introduce the king in his chambers: be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine. Rightly love you!”

Of the century of Pico, Meeting Benches published two e-books – EMOTION OF THE RENAISSANCE, TRAVEL IN ITALY – available in English and Italian language.








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