September 12, 2024 11:22 pm

“PYAN DOR MAI.” SEE YOU IN YANGON: Four pagodas, the National Museum and Bogyoke Market. Welcome to Burma

4After the paradise of Florida, we have received a number of editorial contributions from Asia. Among them, Meeting Benches chose that of a woman, because the entire staff has closely seen the extraordinary simplicity and freshness of the style of Nargis (who also sent us a picture of her). Looking at your beautiful eyes blacks, we enter in your travel proposal. Thanks. For friends who want to contribute:

1.1Hello, Nargis offers her welcome. As you have seen landing at Mingadolon, my hometown – view from above – is recognized for two things: a few skyscrapers and greenery. I am proud to accompany you to the places where I grew up, but you are of course free to add to what I’ll show you, whatever. You will have already noticed the peculiarities of the city center, with its many brick buildings – memory of our British colonial past – and also Pandosan Street, where my fellow countrymen (not to forget that they are composed of eight races, all different), like chat.2.1

Already you know where I’ll take you, that is, the pagodas, the museum and the market. Obviously, to allow an overview of the city, the first thing you come with me to Singattura, a hill valuable, because we find the Shwedagon Pagoda (Pagoda of gold), the most sacred of all my homeland. I advise you not to stop in the shops of sweets, flowers and our craft, you can do it later. But, now, up the steps to the hill, be prepared to comply with the 83 buildings (small “stupa” and colorful temples), which almost look like chicks around a big hen, the pagoda covered with 8,000 gold foils). At least once a month, as a child, I climbed up here – barefoot – with my parents and then with my boyfriend, and now with my two children. The joy is the same, the view of the city, of course, has changed, because concrete and steel and glass also came here.

3.1I want to clear about that pagodas are not originating in Burma, but in India, with the “stupa”, a religious monument intended to commemorate the Buddha. . The garlands that you see are the offerings of the faithful, the base of the pagoda represents the earth, while the five terraces reminiscent of the cosmic elements (earth, water, air, air and fire). The four niches – the ones that I showed you, opposed to each other – are the cardinal points, while those curious finials (some spiral, some disc), are the steps to achieve “nirvana”.4.1

With what you’ve bought, down the hill to Singattura, you’ll take home the memory of our sightseeing, but I advise you to leave it all in the carrier bags in my car, because we have to walk in the city, enough for three more pagodas. The Sule Pagoda – right in front of the Tourist Office – is totally decorated in a different way (which I do not like), because all those lights (and too many shops around it), have completely distorted its ancient beauty. This, however, is the Kaba Aye Pagoda, built in 1952. If you want, I can also accompany you as a Buddhist museum, to browse religious objects and manuscripts.

5.1That shed is not a shed, but the Htat Gyi Pagoda, Chauk. Its length – 70 meters – the same as that of the Buddha laid back, just below it. Looks (discreetly, though, and without pictures), the acts of our religious dedication, are the same as always, the same as those I performed as a child. Arriving, I pointed out that this pagoda is part of a large monastic complex, good opportunity for you – but always with discretion – to visit them, at least one.

To visit the National Museum, that’ll do it tomorrow, I recommend comfortable shoes, because there are many rooms that we can visit, beginning with that of musical instruments and paintings. You will be amazed, looking at the treasure room, but I’ll ask you a favor: stop for a bit to watch the Lion Throne. If you like, you can make a design on your travel notebook, but if you have difficulty with pencil and colors, no fear, I love this sort of thing. Before leaving, I’m sure I do the same question all the tourists I propose, on the subject of yoga meditation. The answer is the same: yes, you can go to 16 Thathana Yeiktha Road, and the “Mahasi Meditation Centre” will provide you with what you need.

7.1Last day, last minute shopping. Ready to visit the Bogyoke Market (good prices). Nothing special, but it’s all very intriguing: a great bazaar, where you can really find handicrafts made of wood or silver, along with paintings and precious stones. Please, I beg you, no ivories. Perhaps a few words of my tongue you, for “min  ga la baa (good morning),” Kyai zoo tin  baa dai “(thank you),” Myar dai “(is too), bah lout lai?” (How much?) It is next to me, we may lose sight of, but in this case, write these two things, you might find useful: “hmat tine bus” (bus stop), and ” yeh sa khan” (police station). Look at me, I must tell you one thing: “Pyan dor mai!”



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